36+ Terjemahan No Matter What Calum Scott Lyrics Background. You no matter whatkarena aku mencitaimu tidak peduli apapunhe loves me no matter whatdia mencintaiku tidak peduli apapun they love me no matter whatmereka mencintaiku tidak peduli apapun. When i was a young boy i was scared of growing up saat masih kecil dulu, aku takut tumbuh dewasa i didn't understand it but i was terrified of love dulu aku tak mengerti.
When i was a young boy, i was scared of growing up sewaktu aku masih bocah, aku takut bertumbuh dewasa i didn't she said, i love you no matter what, ia bilang, ibu mencintai kamu tak peduli apa pun, i just want you to be happy and always be who you are ibu.
Ia pun merilis singel dancing on my own persis seperti yang ia bawakan saat audisi, you are the reason, what i miss most, no matter what dan. Ich verstand es nicht aber ich hatte angst vor der liebe. She praised his work on the song, too, when she heard it for the first time, and she was very pleased to make a duet. When i was a young boy, i was scared of growing up sewaktu aku masih bocah, aku takut bertumbuh dewasa i didn't she said, i love you no matter what, ia bilang, ibu mencintai kamu tak peduli apa pun, i just want you to be happy and always be who you are ibu.